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CERP Focused Packages

Unlocking Milk Production: Keys to Clinical Assessment and Management Lecture Pack

Human milk production is a complicated physiological process. It’s important for lactation care providers to have a solid understanding of how the process works to allow for problem solving when milk production is inadequate, and the ability to translate our knowledge into explanations that parents can understand. This package is designed to expand your knowledge of milk production by diving deeper into specific topics and also looking at how to put it all together in the context of a consult. Join our expert speakers to learn more about the hormones involved in milk production, navigating exclusive pumping and perceived insufficient milk production, induced lactation in a unique case study, milk production after 6 months of age, and how to prioritize during a consult and create an effective plan of action.

$110.00 USD
Total CE Hours: 6.00   Access Time: 4 Weeks  
Lectures in this bundle (6):
Duration: 60 mins
Supporting Milk Production Beyond the First Six Months
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Emma became a breastfeeding counsellor with the UK's Association of Breastfeeding Mothers in 2007. She has been an IBCLC since 2011 and volunteers at two groups in Haringey in North London. She is on the board of trustees for the Human Milk Foundation - a charity committed to improving access to donor human milk. She has written several books including ‘You’ve Got it in You: a positive guide to breastfeeding’ for new parents and ‘The Breast Book’ for pre-teens and teens. Her book, “Breastfeeding past the first six months and beyond: a guide for professionals and parents” was published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers and followed in February 2024 by ‘Supporting the transition from breastfeeding: a guide to weaning for professionals, supporters and parents’. She devotes a portion of her private practice to supporting parents who continue to breastfeed beyond infancy, including during the weaning process. In 2022, Emma received the Lactation Consultations of Great Britain award for outstanding contribution to breastfeeding. You can find her at and on instagram as @emmapickettibclc. Her podcast "Makes Milk with Emma Pickett" launched in September 2023.

1. Describe 2 ways parental confidence continues to be a significant factor in breastfeeding/ chest feeding success beyond 6 months
2. Define 3 key stages where milk production beyond 6 months may be at greater risk, and how those stages can be managed
3. Explain 3 elements of longer-term milk production and how anticipatory guidance can help parents navigate lactation after 6 months


Parental concerns about milk supply sufficiency are still a very present worry for many beyond 6 months, yet are often overlooked. Families may be struggling with new phases such as changes in sleep, distractibility during feeds, starting solid food, an increase in work outside the home, a return of a menstrual cycle and struggle to manage their breastfeeding alongside these shifts. They may find it harder to access support and information after the early months, particularly in a world where there seems to be a huge range of what is normal in terms of balancing milk volume and solid food intake. This presentation will elucidate how we can support parents to understand the natural shifts in milk production that happen over time and help them to gain confidence about their feeding journeys.

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Duration: 60 mins
Anjar Setiani, MD, IBCLC
A Unique Case: Primary Amenorrhea and Strategies for Induced Lactation
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Indonesia Anjar Setiani, MD, IBCLC

Anjar Setiani is a pediatrician in Indonesia since 2014. She contributes in establishing the hospital-based Praborini lactation team in Jakarta, Indonesia. She is practicing frenotomy for tongue-tie and lip-tie and now helping many mothers to achieve their breastfeeding goals, include Praborini method for relactation and induction of lactation. She is a member of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine and International Lactation Consultant Association. She is also a trainer of the Indonesian Society of Perinatology, Lactation and Kangaroo Mother Care programs.

1. Explain 2 potential etiologies of primary amenorrhea.
2. Describe 3 key elements of the hormonal system that influences breast development and breastmilk production.
3. Define 2 factors which support or inhibit an induced lactation program so that an appropriate plan can be created for induction of lactation in the special circumstance of Primary Amenorrhea.

Indonesia Anjar Setiani, MD, IBCLC

A 28-year-old woman and her husband want to undertake an induced lactation program. This woman experienced primary amenorrhea, vaginal and uterine hypoplasia, normal secondary sex characteristics, XX chromosome, and normal prolactin level. They were going to adopt a baby who would be born in two months. Learn about the program of induction that was undertaken and the results of this fascinating case as we work step by step through the strategies used.

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Duration: 60 mins
Anna Sadovnikova, PhD, IBCLC, MPH, MA
A Concert of Hormones: The Biology of the Mammary Gland and Regulation of Milk Production
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USA Anna Sadovnikova, PhD, IBCLC, MPH, MA

Anna Sadovnikova, PhD, IBCLC, MPH, MA is a mammary gland biologist and clinical lactation specialist with an interest in chronic nipple pain, hormonal regulation of milk production, and lactation education of health professionals. She is an Adjunct Professor of Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine at the University of Rochester where she is the Director of Research Education for the LILAC program. She is a third year medical student at UC Davis in the MD/PhD program, where for her PhD dissertation she aimed to define the mechanism by which stress regulates milk production. Her MPH/MA research was in international policies and practices surrounding human donor milk banking. Between 2013 and 2021, she served as the co-founder and CEO of LiquidGoldConcept. She is "mama" to a preschooler (breastfed for 3+ years) and toddler (still breastfeeding with no end in sight)!

1. Describe the hormonal regulation of mammary development from embryogenesis to lactation
2. Describe the mechanism by which stress down regulates milk production
3. Describe the mechanism by which insulin resistance negatively affects milk production1.

USA Anna Sadovnikova, PhD, IBCLC, MPH, MA

Successful lactation requires that a concert of hormones carefully coordinate mammary development starting from embryogenesis through puberty, pregnancy, and postpartum. Chronic health conditions, like obesity and diabetes, perturb the hormonal milieu and increase the risk of lactation difficulties. Historically, livestock animals and rodents were used to understand hormonal regulation of milk production. In recent years, there has been an increasing effort to determine the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying low milk supply among postpartum parents with metabolic dysregulation. In this talk, recently published translational animal studies and human clinical research will be used to shed light on the mechanism by which stress, obesity, and insulin resistance affect human milk production.

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Duration: 60 mins
Molly Peterson, BS, IBCLC
Low Milk Production Triage: Prioritizing and Developing a Practical Plan of Action
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USA Molly Peterson, BS, IBCLC

Ever since she can remember, Molly Peterson has loved babies and now she is fortunate enough to be surrounded by them everyday! Molly found her passion for breastfeeding support shortly after graduating college with a degree in speech pathology. It was then that she discovered you can help feed babies for a living and she knew that's exactly what she wanted to do. Molly sat for her board exam in 2016 and has been working in private practice ever since. Molly owns Wisco Lactation along with her amazing business partner where she has seven IBCLCs and a myofunctional therapist. Molly believes in providing unique, evidence-based support to families so that they may make their own informed choices in infant feeding. Her focus is to meet families where they are at and support them in a judgment free way that puts their mental health first.

When Molly is not working, she enjoys spending time with her amazing husband and daughter. She loves being outside, attempting to bake something in the kitchen, and drinking copious amounts of coffee.

1. List 3 important elements of a plan of action when working with a client who may have low milk production
2. Define 2 ways to counsel with empathy in the moment to protect the mental health of the lactating parent
3. Describe 3 factors that contribute to low milk supply

USA Molly Peterson, BS, IBCLC

In this presentation, we will review how to triage low milk production from start to finish. This will include reviewing the dyad's history, managing the consult, counseling in the moment to ensure we are protecting the lactating parent’s mental health, creating a plan of action, and follow up support. In addition, case studies will be presented for a deeper look at real situations where low milk supply was a concern.

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Duration: 60 mins
Navigating Exclusive Pumping: Insights From the Latest Research
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Charlotte is an IBCLC and parent educator based in the North West of England, UK, with years of experience as a peer supporter and volunteer coordinator. Charlotte works tirelessly to support, protect, and promote breastfeeding. Her passion comes from her own difficult experience breastfeeding her son, Leo, which led to breastfeeding grief and trauma. Charlotte was able to successfully breastfeed Leo past infancy after accessing the right support, which galvanised her to work towards her IBCLC accreditation. Charlotte provides infant feeding support to families in a variety of settings, and frequently takes part in providing training and education for other baby and childcare professionals on a variety of infant feeding topics.

1. Describe 3 potential reasons that parents choose to - or end up - exclusively pumping
2. List 2 recent research findings and their implications for lactating parents and infants
3. Define 2 effective strategies for assisting mothers who choose to exclusively pump and bottle feed their babies


Exclusive pumping has gained prominence in recent years. This presentation delves into the latest research findings surrounding exclusive pumping, shedding light on the benefits, challenges, and implications for both parents and infants. We will explore the physiological and emotional aspects of exclusive pumping, its impact on maternal and infant health, emerging trends in technology and support, and strategies for optimizing outcomes. This presentation aims to foster informed decision-making and enhance the quality of care provided to lactating parents and their babies to support exclusive pumping whether it is a choice, or a necessity.

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Duration: 60 mins
MIND over MILK: Counseling Lactating Persons Through Milk Supply Concerns
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LaShanda Dandrich (she/her) is a Harlem, NY-based International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and co-founder of the Lactation Learning Collective and Training Coordinator for Chocolate Milk Cafe National. After the birth of her daughter in 2009, her passion for breastfeeding and supporting mothers and families in the postpartum period blossomed. She became a trained postpartum doula while pursuing her IBCLC credential.
LaShanda provides pre-natal and postpartum lactation support. She proudly serves families of diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds throughout NYC. She continues to give back within perinatal health functioning as a trainer and mentor to other professionals helping to grow and diversify the lactation profession.

1. List 3 major contributing factors to lactating parents perceived low milk supply concerns.
2. Describe how the perceptions of low milk supply can impact the breast/chest feeding experience.
3. Describe strategies to help lactating persons identify true low milk supply vs. perception and how to manage their lactation journey.


Perceived low milk supply is a common concern among lactating parents. Low milk supply concerns are fueled by a lack of awareness of human milk production and normal infant feeding behaviors, along with societal pressures and bad advice from friends, family and miseducation of healthcare professionals.
Milk supply concerns affect the overall breast/chest feeding journey for parents and infants. This presentation will address the factors that contribute to perceived low milk supply concerns and how to help lactating persons and those that support them.

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AAFP CME Credits for Physicians & Nurses
The American Academy of Family Physicians has reviewed this activity and deemed it acceptable for AAFP credit. Term of approval is from 04/02/2024 to 04/02/2025. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. This activity is approved for 6 AAFP Elective CME credits.

CERPs - Continuing Education Recognition Points
Applicable to IBCLC Lactation Consultants, Certified Lactation Consultants (CLCs), CBEs, CLE, Doulas & Birth Educators. GOLD Conferences has been designated as a Long Term Provider of CERPs by the IBLCE--Approval #CLT114-07. This program is approved for 6 L-CERPs.

Dietetic CPEUs - Continuing Professional Education Units
Applicable to Dieticians & Nutritionists, this program is approved for 6 Dietetic CPEUs by the Commission on Dietetic Registration - the credentialing agency for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

MEAC Midwifery CEUs / NARM Contact Hours for Midwives
This program is accredited through the Midwifery Education & Accreditation Council (MEAC) for 6 Contact Hours (0.6 MEAC CEUs). It is also recognized by the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM) for 6 CEUs/Contact Hours. Please note that 0.1 MEAC CEU is equivalent to 1.0 NARM CEU/Contact Hour.

Nurse Contact Hours
This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the American Nurses Association Massachusetts, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation for 6 Nursing Contact Hours.

Upon completion of this activity, GOLD learners will be able to download an educational credit for this talk. Successful completion requires that you:
  • View this presentation in its entirety, under your individual GOLD login info
  • Successfully complete a post-test (3 out of 3 questions correctly answered)
  • Fill out the Evaluation Survey

If you have already participated in this program, you are not eligible to receive additional credits for viewing it again. Please send us an email to [email protected] if you have any questions.

Additional Details

Viewing Time: 4 Weeks

Tags / Categories

(IBCLC) Clinical Skills, (IBCLC) Education and Communication, (IBCLC) Equipment and Technology, (IBCLC) Maternal, (IBCLC) Pathology, (IBCLC) Physiology and Endocrinology, Induced Lactation & Relactation, Lactation Case Studies, Managing Milk Supply, Maternal Anatomy & Physiology, Pumping & Milk Expression

How much time do I have to view the presentations?

  • The viewing time will be specified for each product. When you purchase multiple items in your cart, the viewing time becomes CUMULATIVE. Ex. Lecture 1= 2 weeks and Lecture Pack 2 = 4 Weeks, you will have a total of 6 weeks viewing time for ALL the presentations made in that purchase.
  • Time for viewing the talks begins once you purchase the product. For Live Webinars & Symposiums, the viewing period begins from when the live event takes place. Presentations can be accessed 24/7 and can be viewed as many times as you like during the viewing period.

What are bundled lectures?

  • Presentations may be available individually or via a bundled package. Bundled lectures are a set of lectures that have been put together based on a specific category or topic. Some lectures will be available in both individual and lecture form, whereas others will be available only via a bundled lecture pack.

Will there be Handouts?

  • YES! Each lecture comes with a PDF handout provided by the Speaker.

Some lectures include a Q&A, what does that mean?

  • During our online conferences, presentations that occur live are also followed by a short 15 minute Question & Answer Session. The Speaker addresses questions that were posted by Delegates during the presentation. We include the recording of these Q&A Sessions as a bonus for you.

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  • If this presentation offers a certificate, once you are done viewing the lecture or the lectures within a bundle, submit your attendance record in order to be able to download your certificate. You'll be able to see which credits are offered for the lecture by hovering over the "Credits Available" link within the "Speakers & Topics" tab.
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