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IBCLC Detailed Content Outline: Clinical Skills Focused CERPs - Section VII

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Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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Mother of 6 breastfed children, Tytina is a Certified Lactation Counselor, La Leche League International Breastfeeding Peer Counselor and Program Administrator. Tytina is a Loving Support WIC Peer Counselor and Rush University Medical Center Mother’s Milk Club peer counselor. She is an International Center for Traditional Childbearing provisional Doula. She has 15 years of community-level maternal child health. Her affiliations include Chicago Region Breastfeeding Taskforce, March of Dimes, National Association of Professional and Peer Lactation Supporters of Color, Breastfeed Chicago, the United States Breastfeeding Committee, and GOLD Learning Professional Advisory Committee.


This talk is to stress the importance of breastfeeding in communities where both finances and breastfeeding rates are low. These communities tend to have the highest infant mortality rates. Breastfeeding support programs are almost nonexistent due to lack of funding. This contributes to low initiation of breastfeeding. In these communities the title lactation consultant is foreign. Breastfeeding Peer Counselors reside within these communities; however, there are no employment opportunities. These are actually environmental barriers as well. Living in a community that does not support lactation, makes infant formula appear to be the “norm” for infant feeding. If the community as a whole was aware of the importance of breastfeeding, the whole village could take a stand. Implementing free breastfeeding/mothering support groups, allowing volunteer peer counselors to come in and assist is one approach. It should not take “money” to provide free breast milk.

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Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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United States Nikki Lee, RN, BSN, MS, ANLC, IBCLC, CIMI, RYT500

Nikki started as an LPN in 1971, got her RN and BSN, and a graduate degree. She is an author, a teacher, a holistic lactation consultant, a craniosacral therapy practitioner, and a baby body worker (teaching Infant Massage and TummyTime! She is mother to 2 wonderful (breastfed for a long time) daughters, wife to 3 interesting men, only one of whom was the right one for the past 37 years, Rafe!

Her publications include the books, Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Breastfeeding Therapy and A Breastfeeding Owner’s Manual; the monographs, “Benefits of Breastfeeding and Their Economic Impact” and “Sexuality and Breastfeeding” and the educational pamphlet “How to help yourself through labor”. She has been the reviews editor for the journal Clinical Lactation, and has worked as the lactation consultant for the division of Maternal, Child, and Family Health at the Philadelphia Department of Public Health since 2006.

United States Nikki Lee, RN, BSN, MS, ANLC, IBCLC, CIMI, RYT500

Writing policy is a skillset needed throughout the lactation profession as the lactation care provider often serves as both clinician and advocate. As an author of 2 breastfeeding policies, including a promotion policy for the City of Philadelphia Department of Public Health in 1992 and 10 Steps to a Breastfeeding-friendly Shelter in 2019, Nikki will give some historical background for breastfeeding policy and offer guidance about how to formulate a policy, what is important in writing policy, and make the process easier to work through and less intimidating.

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Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5  |  Viewing Time: 6 Weeks
Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5  |  Viewing Time: 6 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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Johanna Sargeant is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, teacher and writer based in Zurich, Switzerland. She is passionate about utilising her background in education, biological science, psychology and language to empower parents with empathetic support and evidence-based information through her private practice, Milk and Motherhood. Originally from Australia, Johanna provides much-needed English-speaking support to many thousands of parents throughout Switzerland and across Europe, and has recently been contracted to create the new education modules for the European Society of Paediactric Research and the European Society of Neonatology. She has taught at the University of Zurich, has spoken as a panelist for the WHO’s Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative congress in Geneva, has been an expert speaker and facilitator for Google, and has presented at a wide variety of international conferences. The complexities of her personal feeding experiences have led her to the establishment of the sole peer-to-peer milk-sharing network in Switzerland, and fuels her passion for providing knowledgeable, guilt-free infant feeding support globally.

Kathryn is mum to 4 boys, twins and 2 subsequent singletons. She trained as a breastfeeding peer supporter and volunteered in the groups for years in and around Harrow, NW London, UK.

Kathryn caught the breastfeeding support bug and decided to further her knowledge training as a Breastfeeding Counsellor with the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers and then qualifying as an IBCLC 3 years ago.

Kathryn started Breastfeeding Twins and Triplets Facebook group almost 6 years ago and it now has over 6500 members. It has recently been made into a UK charity. Kathryn is passionate about delivering high quality breastfeeding support to as many twin and triplet families as possible, creating resources and educating health care professionals and breastfeeding supporters. She runs a small private practice and continues to teach music part time, her original career path.

Sejal is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in private practice and an infant massage educator in Hillsboro, Oregon, USA. She combines her professional expertise with her personal instincts as a mother and a supportive team member.

She holds a Bachelors in Microbiology and Clinical Laboratory Science.

She also brings with her the following comprehensive toolkit: Certified Educator of Infant Massage Formerly Certified in skin-to-skin care for full term infants from the United States Institute of Kangaroo Care Certified Provider of Innate Postpartum Care

She has presented nationally and internationally for GOLD lactation, ILCA, community colleges, local lactation organizations.

As a lactation consultant, she believes that every individual needs to be educated about breast health, optimal infant feeding and how breastfeeding support is a basic human right and can impact world health globally.

She strives to help each family by continuing to learn all she can about breast health, breastfeeding ecology, breastfeeding movement and parent-infant connection using the neurobiological and infant mental health lens.

When she’s not with her clients, you can find her at home in Hillsboro, Oregon, USA, listening to bollywood music, hanging out with friends and spending time with her family.


This panel of seasoned lactation care providers will describe some of the ways in which they have adapted their initial ideals of lactation work to the realities of what families need as well as their own strengths and capabilities. This exploration of the panelists’ own trajectories through acquiring learning and credentialing in maternal child health is designed to offer the aspiring or new lactation care provider a wealth of ideas and resources for problem-solving and decision-making as they set off on their career in lactation care.

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10+ CERPs Bundles, Lactation
Presentations: 28  |  Hours / CE Credits: 29.5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1  |  Viewing Time: 2 Weeks

Tongue-Tie and the NICU: A Neonatologist Perspective

Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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Dr. Ankur Bio Update - Dr. Kumar Ankur, MD, DNB is working as an Associate Director & Head of the Department of Neonatology at BLK MAX Super Speciality Hospital Delhi, India. He has been working in the field of neonatology with private and non-goverment organisations for improving neonatal healthcare in the country. He is the national faculty and trainer for FBNC (Facility based neonatal care), Neonatal Resuscitation, Kangarroo Mother Care (KMC) and the national assessor for Neonatology Fellowship accreditation programme of India. He has been invited as an expert speaker, faculty, chairpersons for various national and state level conferences and workshops. He has many publications in national & international journal and authored many chapters, guidelines published by Indian Academy of Pediatrics & National Neonatology of Forum Delhi & India. He is also the co-editor of Handbook of Neonatal Clinical Practices. He is also running training program in neonatal Fellowship for postgraduate students & neonatal nurses. Currently he is also the Secretary of prestigious National Neonatology Forum, Delhi. National Neonatology Forum (NNF) is a strong and large body of more than 8000 neonatologists across India and abroad. NNF has been actively involved in advocacy, policy making, research and ensuring quality health care to newborn for the last 4 decades. He had been past Secretary (2014) & President (2018) of Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), Central Delhi Branch.


Tongue Tie is an interesting clinical subject with extreme variability in understanding among lactation consultants, neonatologists, pediatricians, speech therapists, pediatric surgeons, and dental/oral surgeons. There is still no consensus on diagnosis and mode of treatment. However, in recent years there seems to increase reliance on cutting the tie despite the lack of robust evidence. As clinicians, we should always give an unbiased approach towards any neonate's feeding-related problem. Holistic systems like simple bodywork and prolonged skin-to-skin contact, and family involvement can often resolve infant feeding issues. Family-centered care (FCC), based on collaborative participation of the family and a team of health care providers, is found to increase infants' well-being in neonatal critical care units. Our own postgraduate student did her dissertation To Determine the Prevalence of Lingual Frenulum in Infants ≥ 1800 grams of Birth Weight Affecting Breastfeeding (Submitted for Publication). We shall be sharing the Indian data and providing more information about the prevalence of tongue-tie in the NICU, how to distinguish between tongue-tie and other common feeding issues in neonates and the importance of holistic care.

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10+ CERPs Bundles, GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Lactation
Presentations: 10  |  Hours / CE Credits: 10  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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SALP expert in Orofacial Myology. PhD in Science USP - University of São Paulo. Chief of lingual frenulum evaluation sector at Santa Therezinha Hospital/ Brazil


Tongue movements are essential for milk extraction during breastfeeding. It is therefore very important that professionals are able to reliably identify anatomical variations in the lingual frenulum that may impact infant feeding. Learn more about how to use the Lingual Frenulum Assessment Protocol for Infants. This tool allows assessment of changes in the lingual frenulum and limitation of tongue movements, which can compromise the functions of sucking, swallowing, chewing, breathing and speaking.

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10+ CERPs Bundles, GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Lactation, Translated Lectures
Presentations: 10  |  Hours / CE Credits: 10  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Lactation, Translated Lectures
Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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USA Christine Staricka, BS, IBCLC, RLC, CLSP, CE, FILCA

Christine Staricka is a Registered, International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant and trained childbirth educator. As the host of The Lactation Training Lab Podcast, her current role focuses on training and coaching current and aspiring lactation care providers. Christine created and developed The First 100 Hours© concept, an early lactation framework designed to support lactation care providers with the knowledge and mindset they need to help families optimize early lactation. Christine worked as a hospital-based IBCLC for 10 years and has over 20 years experience providing clinical lactation care and support. She provides clinical lactation care to families at Baby Café Bakersfield and serves as its Director. Christine recently completed 6 years of service on the Board of the United States Lactation Consultant Association (USLCA.) She holds a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Phoenix. She has been married for 27 years, lives in California, and is the proud mother of 3 amazing daughters.

USA Christine Staricka, BS, IBCLC, RLC, CLSP, CE, FILCA

A suspected or diagnosed tongue-tie can throw a breastfeeding journey into immediate peril, with concerns over the baby's well-being most often discussed and debated. However, without an appropriate and intentional strategy for supporting the mother, the breastfeeding journey risks meeting an untimely, unplanned, and/or unsatisfactory end. The mental and emotional toll such a complex lactation situation can take on parents is wide-ranging in its effects, and it is critical to provide personalized and comprehensive counseling to restore a sense of empowerment and control to the mother as she makes continual decisions on how and whether to proceed with lactation and breastfeeding. Additionally, it is vital that indications of postpartum mood disorders are recognized and addressed as early as they appear. Lactation care providers can benefit from a clear framework for their fundamental responsibility to safeguard both the mother and child in a breastfeeding dyad. In this presentation we will explore ideas and themes that can guide the lactation care provider to ask the right questions at the right times in the specific context of tongue-tie so that they can offer effective counseling and care.

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10+ CERPs Bundles, GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Lactation, Translated Lectures
Presentations: 10  |  Hours / CE Credits: 10  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Lactation, Translated Lectures
Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1.25 (details)
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US Mary Coughlin McNeil, MS, NNP, RNC-E

A leader in neonatal nursing, Mary Coughlin MS, NNP, RNC-E has pioneered the concept of trauma-informed care as a biologically relevant paradigm for hospitalized newborns, infants, and their families. An internationally recognized expert in the field of age-appropriate care, Ms. Coughlin has over 35 years of nursing experience beginning in the US Air Force Nurse Corp and culminating in her current role as President and Founder of Caring Essentials Collaborative. A published author of a myriad of manuscripts, chapters and textbooks, Ms. Coughlin has mentored close to 10,000 interdisciplinary NICU clinicians from over 14 countries to transform the experience of care for the hospitalized infant and family in crisis.

US Mary Coughlin McNeil, MS, NNP, RNC-E

Early life adversity and the associated toxic stress literally gets under our skin and is embedded in our biology. Authentic nurturing experiences during early life, or the lack of them, are directly linked to mental health outcomes. The sense of touch plays a salient role in social relationships with important neurodevelopmental and psycho-socio-emotional outcomes. Healing presence and authenticity underlie caring actions, attitudes and behaviors. This talk will introduce the biological underpinnings of our unique therapeutic value in the clinical setting.

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Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1.25  |  Viewing Time: 2 Weeks
Presentations: 11  |  Hours / CE Credits: 11.5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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United States Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA

Nancy Mohrbacher was born and raised in the Chicago area, where she lives today. She is a board-certified lactation consultant who has been helping nursing mothers since 1982. Her breastfeeding books for parents and professionals include Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple and its Pocket Guide; Breastfeeding Made Simple(with Kathleen Kendall-Tackett); Working and Breastfeeding Made Simple; and Breastfeeding Solutions and its companion app for Android and iPhone.

Nancy currently contracts with hospitals to improve breastfeeding practices, writes for many publications, and speaks at events around the world. Nancy was in the first group of 16 to be honored for her lifetime contributions to breastfeeding with the designation FILCA, Fellow of the International Lactation Consultant Association.

United States Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA

To most effectively help preterm babies learn to breastfeed, we need to first understand how preterm babies’ breastfeeding behaviors differ from term babies. This talk describes the research-based 7 preterm breastfeeding stages, the “road map” that shows parents and providers what to expect during this transition. It also includes strategies that can smooth the path and speed the journey to exclusive breastfeeding.

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Presentations: 4  |  Hours / CE Credits: 4  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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Ramya Kumar is an ASHA certified Speech Language Pathologist specializing in infant and pediatric feeding disorders while practicing in a Level 3 NICU and outpatient settings in Phoenix, AZ. She is a Board Certified Specialist in Swallowing & Swallowing Disorders, Certified Neonatal Therapist, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Neonatal Touch & Massage Certified Therapist & has completed the Trauma Informed Professional Certificate. Ramya is an internationally sought out speaker & clinical mentor on the topic of neuroprotective care in the NICU, Pediatric Feeding Disorders and Tethered Oral Tissues. Ramya is passionate about helping families create mealtime success through a whole-body lens. More recently, Ramya has been serving as a NICU Developmental Coordinator championing changes in unit culture, system-wide policy development and supporting transition of NICU families to community based programs. She has also co-founded Arizona NICU Follow-Up Specialists, a community resource supporting NICU grads and their families as they transition from hospital to home.


Research repeatedly tells us that families experience significant levels of stress, fear and fatigue when navigating challenges with feeding their infant. These experiences have a significant impact on their well-being, negatively affecting both physical and emotional health. Compound this with the need to navigate information and emotions that surround surgical intervention like tongue tie releases and the subsequent impact on their child’s comfort and pain as well as fear about success after a release is completed. Parental involvement in the care of their infant’s feeding plan is essential for protecting their identity roles, decreasing risk of depression and anxiety, and increasing parent confidence and competence in caring for their child (Obeidat,2009). Health professionals have a crucial role to play in understanding and implementing a trauma informed, family centered care model when planning the timing of a tongue tie release and supporting the family through the journey. This session will highlight the four core concepts of family centered care as well as tenets of trauma informed care and ways to utilize this during the various stages of a tongue tie evaluation. We will also cover strategies to minimize trauma recurrence and empowering parents and caregivers throughout the process.

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10+ CERPs Bundles, GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Lactation
Presentations: 10  |  Hours / CE Credits: 10  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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U.S.A Michale Chatham, RN, BSN, LMT, IBCLC, OMT

Michale is an Integration visionary with a discerning view of the ancient and an eye on the future. She created one of the first on site integrated care clinics for Tongue Tie treatment 10 years ago that included Lactation support, Body nervous system and movement work, Laser tongue tie release and cranio-facial anticipatory growth guidance. She currently mentors Integrative practitioners in Wayfinding methods which allow practitioners to tap into their unique gifts and learn to incorporate them into practice.

U.S.A Michale Chatham, RN, BSN, LMT, IBCLC, OMT

The field of tongue-tie treatment is rapidly changing, and great strides have been made over the years to create sequencing of care to ensure predictable outcomes related to the achievement of optimal oral function after tongue-tie release. Despite this, there are times when a frenectomy does not seem to “work”, “help” or make a significant difference. This is frustrating for families and can leave health care professionals wondering what to do next. This presentation will discuss screening for trauma as a way to improve frenectomy success. Learn more about the impact of collective trauma on the infant’s nervous system and the importance of the timing of frenectomy along with the sequencing of pre, intra and post-op habilitative care to increase outcome success.

View Full Presentation Information
10+ CERPs Bundles, GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Lactation
Presentations: 10  |  Hours / CE Credits: 10  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
This presentation is currently available through a bundled series of lectures.