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Healthcare Provider Mental Health Online Course(s) & Continuing Education

Access the latest clinical skills and research for Healthcare Provider Mental Health for Pregnancy, Labour & Childbirth professional training. These Healthcare Provider Mental Health online courses provide practice-changing skills and valuable perspectives from leading global experts. This Healthcare Provider Mental Health education has been accredited for a variety of CEUs / CERPs and can be accessed on-demand, at your own pace.

Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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USA Kelly Dungan, RN, CNE, CPM

Kelly is a nurse educator, community midwife, and Spinning Babies®️ Approved Trainer. Passionate about translating physiologic birth principles for the hospital setting, she offers restorative retreats, mentorship, and shift debriefs for nurses.

USA Kelly Dungan, RN, CNE, CPM

The language of resiliency, wellness, and burnout is commonplace today, as the healthcare system looks to address the state of the nursing profession since the Covid-19 pandemic. But what are the solutions that actually work? How do we find our way to not just survive, but to feel inspired by the future of our role as nurses? We can find answers in the practical applications of polyvagal theory, systems thinking, and returning to the heart of perinatal nursing. We also learn that birth outcomes improve along the way.

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Presentations: 10  |  Hours / CE Credits: 10  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
This presentation is currently available through a bundled series of lectures.