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Advocacy and the Political Process in Virginia

  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits: 1 ACNM
  • Learning Format: Webinar
  • Handout: Yes
  • Origin: VA-ACNM 2017

Ability to communicate effectively and build relationship with legislators is a critical skill for health professionals. In this session, the lobbyist for Virginia ACNM discusses tips for advocacy activities.

Learning Objectives:

Objective 1: The participant will understand the legislative process in Virginia and the current political factors involved.

Objective 2: The participant will be able to define advocacy and state 3 reasons for incorporating advocacy into their practice.

Objective 3: The participant will be able to identify the state legislative priorities important to certified nurse midwives.

Objective 4: The participant will understand the challenges and competing interests to achieving success in passage of state legislative priorities.

Objective 5: The participant will understand appropriate methods of advocacy, including how to “lobby”.

Objective 6: The participant will be able to apply their knowledge to communicating with elected officials in support or opposition to legislative priorities.
