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The Midwife's Role in Core and Pelvic Floor Health During the Perinatal Period

by Bernadette Lack, RM (Hons), MPH
  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits: 1 CERP, 1 R-CERP, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 ACM CPD Hours, 1 ACNM
  • Handout: Yes

Up to 75% of women will experience a prolapse in their lifetime. 1 in 3 will experience urine incontinence and 1 in 10 faecal incontinence. Around 60% of women experience diastasis recti. Add in pelvic girdle pain, a hypertonic pelvic floor, perineal and vulva trauma, vaginismus, vulva varicosities, anal fissures and haemorrhoids and most women, at some point, will describe their body as feeling broken.

Midwives play a crucial role in assisting women in the prevention and treatment of these conditions. International guidelines and clinical standards advise that pregnant and postpartum people should be doing pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT). This however, is not just as simple as doing Kegels while waiting at traffic lights. In order to provide best care, midwives need a deeper understanding of the physiology of the core and pelvic floor in pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

This presentation will enable a deeper understanding of the physiology of the core and pelvic floor during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. You will learn practical techniques to assist women in protecting their core and pelvic floor during these stages, including how best to support physiological birth and what we can do when interventions occur. We will also cover techniques and realities for postpartum healing and evidence-based advice to managing existing conditions.

Learning Objectives:

Objective 1: Define diastasis recti and pelvic floor issues.
Objective 2: Describe the prevalence, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment and associated issues of these conditions.
Objective 3: Describe how to provide clients with evidence-informed practice that aims to prevent these issues developing during pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
Objective 4: Describe physiological birth and ways to protect it.
Objective 5: Explain how to provide clients with greater information, referral and support.

Categories: Prenatal Care,
Lectures by Profession, Product Focus
Presentations: 15  |  Hours / CE Credits: 15.5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1  |  Viewing Time: 2 Weeks