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More Than Words: Leveling Up Language In Lactation

by Erika Dudley, IBCLC, CBS
  • Duration: 540 Mins
  • Credits: 1 CERP, 1 E-CERP, 1 Nurse Contact Hours
  • Handout: Yes
  • Origin: GOLD Learning

The words that we use with families can be critical to their initiation and duration of their lactation journey. Often as lactation care providers we fixate on having the most updated, evidence-based information to support our clients, but what good is having the ‘right’ words if other parts of language and communication are missing or preventing those words from being received? This presentation will highlight the value of continuously updating our language skills to better serve families.

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe multiple parts of language that can impact a family's lactation journey.

2. Identify 3 potential limitations to communication a Lactation Professional may face when supporting families.

3. List 3 ways to continuously update and improve the language used in lactation support to enhance families' overall experience and outcomes.

Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5  |  Viewing Time: 6 Weeks
Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5  |  Viewing Time: 6 Weeks