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Somatic Movement: An Exploration of Applications in Midwifery Practice, Education, and Leadership

by Akane Sugimoto Storey, MSc, CPM, RSME
  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits: 1 CERP, 1 R-CERP, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 ACM CPD Hours, 1 ACNM
  • Handout: Yes

Somatic Movement is an exploratory field that invites phenomenological exploration, or an in-depth focus on the nuances and perceptions of the body from within, to promote sustained positive change. Midwifery refers to the provision of clinical care that safeguards childbirth and the continuums before, after and in lieu of childbearing as normal events; while centering the informed choices, preferences, and values of each care-seeking individual; minimizing unnecessary intervention; and working autonomously within an integrated interprofessional team.

This session will explore how one midwife, across an array of global contexts and settings, has infused these two fields to become one. Explorations will include applications of Somatic Movement in midwifery using examples from client care, midwifery education, provider development, advocacy and leadership development. Participants will leave this session with a baseline understanding of Somatics and, with concepts like experiential anatomy, therapeutic touch, movement patterns, authentic movement, and elements from craniosacral therapy woven across the session, equipped with somatic concepts ready to be used irrespective of the direction of their greatest force, whether through practice, teaching, advocacy, or leadership.

Learning Objectives:

1) List 3 relatable concepts of Somatic Movement and how these may be used as mechanisms for change.
2) Describe how stillness and movement can be used as catalysts for transformation in tissue, relationships, and self-awareness.
3) Explain how to use a Somatic movement concept in practice, teaching, or leadership in the field of midwifery or beyond

Categories: Complementary Care,
Lectures by Profession, Product Focus
Presentations: 16  |  Hours / CE Credits: 15.5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks