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Ironing Out the Details: The Hidden Crisis of Iron Deficiency During Pregnancy

by Augustine Colebrook, MA, MCHS
  • Duration: 75 Mins
  • Credits: 1.25 CERP, 1.25 R-CERP, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1.25 ACM CPD Hours, 1 ACNM
  • Handout: Yes

We exist on this planet because of the vital metals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium that easily dissolve in our body's water. Equally important are iron, zinc, and copper, found in nearly half of our proteins.

Iron plays a crucial role in our blood, with four iron atoms in hemoglobin storing and transporting oxygen. Inadequate iron in early childhood leads to reduced attention span, difficulty grasping concepts, irritability, social withdrawal, and delays in language and motor skills. Iron deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth, low birth weight, birth asphyxia, maternal infections, pre-eclampsia, and hemorrhage.

Approximately two billion people or 25% of the global population lack sufficient dietary iron and iron stores. Anemia (the last stage of iron deficiency) caused 50 million years of healthy life lost due to disability in 2019 alone. This presentation aims to educate healthcare providers and birth workers on the magnitude of this epidemic and provide guidance on the essential laboratory assessments, symptoms and the new evidenced-based values for evaluating iron status in patients. It will also cover important aspects of proper treatment approaches.

Learning Objectives:

1. Explain the difference between anaemia and hypoferritinemia.
2. List 5 of the 50 most common Iron Deficiency symptoms.
3. Recite The American Gastroenterology Association's 2020 Clinical Practice Guidelines for clients with anaemia.
4) List the five components of a laboratory iron panel and their optimal reference range.
5) Describe the most common causes of iron deficiency during the childbearing years.

Categories: Prenatal Care,
Lectures by Profession, Product Focus
Presentations: 16  |  Hours / CE Credits: 15.5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks