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From Distressed to Regulated: A Holistic Way to Comfort the Unsettled Baby

by Carol Smyth, IBCLC, MBACP, BABCP
  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits: 1 CERP, 1 R-CERP, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 ACM CPD Hours, 1 ACNM
  • Handout: Yes

Unsettled behaviour in the early weeks and months of a baby's life is a common reason for presentation to a healthcare provider. Parents have worries about reflux, allergies, colic and pain. The distress and worry can also be associated with mental health difficulties in the caregiver(s), such as anxiety and depression.

Parents often eliminate foods or trial medications without clear indications due to their perception of their baby's pain and distress. Managing the healthy but unsettled baby involves taking a holistic view of unsettled behaviours shaped by an understanding of neurodevelopment, family dynamics and caregiving practices, and evidence-based interventions. This presentation will review the research on neurodevelopment and the distress curve, reasons for crying, and what we know about how to reduce distress.

Learning Objectives:

1) Explain the normal distress curve in babies, and why some babies cry more than others
2) List 3 ways crying affects a parent or caregiver's mental health and how mental health affects crying
3) Describe at least 2 research- and evidence-based interventions shown to reduce crying

Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks