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Small Steps, BIG Gains: A New Toolkit for Supporting Breastfeeding in the NICU

by Sonal Patel, MD
  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits: 1 CERP, 1 L-CERP, 1 Nurse Contact Hours, 1 CME
  • Handout: Yes

Small Steps, BIG Gains is a breastfeeding toolkit geared to NICU breastfeeding dyads. This toolkit was developed by a neonatologist, neonatal nurse partitioner, and neonatal nurse that understand the challenges, culture, workflow of the NICU in juxtaposition to the immense benefits of a mother's own breastmilk to reduce NEC, promote growth, and decrease length of stay. This toolkit starts the minute a NICU mom is identified to have a premature delivery and goes beyond into the the outpatient world. This toolkit is a form of transparent communication between NICU moms/families and the NICU team in achieving the goals of breastfeeding.

Learning Objectives:

1. Explain the reason for early hand expression in achieving breastfeeding goals in order to help NICU mothers.
2. Describe the 1-60 dot system in creating the positive bacterial gut flora.
3. Describe how focusing on quality of defined feeds respects the development aspect of a premature baby and fosters breastfeeding goals.