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Preventing Primary and Repeat Cesareans

by Nancy Wainer, CPM
  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits:
  • Learning Format: Webinar
  • Handout: Yes
  • Origin: GOLD Midwifery

Increasingly, Birth in the USA is taking place in operating rooms. Cesarean sections are commonplace and accepted as "the best route of entry" in far too many settings. What's wrong with having a cesarean? Plenty. What's so important about avoiding the first one and helping those women who have had them to have subsequent vaginal/natural birt as their babies arrive into the world? What are the ramifications of a culture where babies are surgically delivered? How do we educated and enlighten pregnant women/couples and help them to overcome the fear, take better of themselves, find experienced, caring and naturally-oriented care providers and have a birth that lifts them and helps them to begin mother/parenthood with an intact body in a place of confidence and joy rather than having to recover from a slash on their abdomen and on their uterus?

Learning Objectives:

Objective 1: Know more than a dozen ways in which to avoid a primary cesarean;
Objective 2: Know who are the "candidates" for a VBAC among those women who have already had a cesarean;
Objective 3: Understand many of the emotional responses and sequellae of cesarean deliveries.

Categories: Cesarean Birth,