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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures

Relactation and Induced Lactation

by Annet Mulder, IBCLC
  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits: 1 CERP, 1 L-CERP
  • Learning Format: Webinar
  • Handout: Yes
  • Origin: GOLD Lactation

If a woman wants to induce their milk supply after a separation or interruption of breastfeeding, she needs support. A lot of support! There are different angles to look at; latching on again and bringing back a sufficient milk supply. But success is not guaranteed…With dedication and preparation, breast-feeding without pregnancy (induced lactation) might also be possible. Annet will discuss different options and will use her experiences with mothers in this topic.

Learning Objectives:

Objective 1: Describe what relactation and induced lactation means;

Objective 2: Discuss different goals with mothers;

Objective 3: Discuss how to give mothers lactational support.

Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks