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Is Developmental Care a Necessity or a Luxury: A Long Term Case Study

by Mandy Daly, ACII, DLDU, EUPATI Fellow
  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits: 1 CERP, 1 R-CERP, 1 Nurse Contact Hours, 1 CME
  • Handout: Yes

Preterm birth disrupts the biologically expected experiences of the newborn infant and flips the paradigm of parenthood on its axis. Survival is no longer accepted as the end goal and the focus has firmly shifted towards ensuring the health, growth and neurodevelopment of infants born preterm. Neonatal care delivered through the lens of individualized developmentally supportive care is now accepted as the gold standard for optimizing outcomes.

Does preterm birth affect the developmental origins of health and disease? Can the morbidities associated with preterm birth contribute to deficits in the quality of life once these infants reach adulthood? We will explore a case study of an adult born preterm to reflect upon this topic and address the question "Is developmental care a necessity or a luxury?

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe the components of Developmental Care.
2. Explain the aims of Developmental Care.
3. Describe the iceberg effect of life after the neonatal unit.

Categories: Developmental Care,