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GOLD Learning Speakers


Lindsey Reeves, MS, RD, LDN, IBCLC

  • Speaker Type: GOLD Lactation 2024
  • Country: USA

Lindsey Reeves is a Registered Dietitian, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and owner of private practice, Angel Food Lactation & Nutrition, LLC. She developed a passion for wellness almost 20 years ago and knew her career had to focus on empowering others with tools necessary to find their perfect balance of health and happiness. She completed her undergraduate degree in exercise science at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and worked in a corporate wellness center as a fitness trainer and health coach for a large company. Upon completion, she pursued a dual program combining her Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics at Meredith College. Here, she found her ultimate calling in supporting families in perinatal and pediatric nutrition and lactation. She established her private practice providing nutrition and wellness support while completing her lactation training through the Mary Rose Tully Training Initiative at UNC-Chapel Hill. As she dove deeper into the field of lactation, she found the rich and impactful world of birth support. For a short season, she became a DONA Certified Birth Doula and childbirth educator to expand her understanding and improve her level of care for families during this huge transition in life. Lindsey has been an RD, IBCLC for 10 years and her love for this work grows with each year of practice. From one-on-one consultations in her private practice to teaching professional audiences of all sizes, Lindsey couldn't imagine a more honorable career and feels so blessed to be in this field of work! In her personal life, Lindsey is mom to 3 incredible sons and a wife to the most amazing and supportive husband. She has been pregnant and/or lactating for the last 7.5 years and is currently nursing their 2 year old 'mik' monster.

CE Library Presentation(s) Available Online:
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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
Making Muscle and Milk: The Physiology of Exercise and Lactation
From lactic acid accumulation to maintaining milk supply, many questions arise when parents consider whether and how they will exercise while lactating. Exercise is considered safe and beneficial for all stages of life, even for most with a compromised health status. Yet, when it comes to lactation, many questions arise surrounding the impact of physical activity on lactation performance and milk composition. Research shows us that exercise helps to reduce inflammation, improve energy metabolism, increase blood circulation and immunity, boost the body’s ability to respond to stress, and impact the longevity and disease outcomes for individuals who make moving their bodies a long-term habit. Each of these components of health plays a role in lactation performance and can greatly improve the outcome for lactating dyads. The importance of balanced nutrition in exercise and lactation performance is essential in maintaining an optimal environment for milk production and energy balance, especially for busy parents. In this session, we will discuss the impact of exercise and nutrition in lactation and declutter the conversation surrounding the frequency and intensity in which one should incorporate these practices into this season of life.
Lectures by Profession, Product Focus
Presentations: 29  |  Hours / CE Credits: 30.5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks