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GOLD Learning Speakers


Andreea Ola, IBCLC

  • Speaker Type: GOLD Lactation 2024, Breastfeeding & Perinatal Mental Health: Practical Tools for Fostering Emotional Safety Lecture Pack 2024
  • Country: Romania

Andreea Ola is a Clinical Psychologist and IBCLC with over 8 years of experience working with the mother-infant pair and conducting training in various settings (academic and medical fields, formal and informal education, national and transnational NGOs, and vulnerable populations).

Andreea Ola has been working in private practice in Romania, offering in-depth assessment and individualized solutions for challenging breastfeeding situations: low milk supply, slow weight gain, oral dysfunction, relactation, oversupply, breast refusal, reflux, as well as gentle sleep solutions for babies and parents. She also has academic teaching experience in Developmental Psychology and Counseling and an interest in Perinatal Psychology.

Andreea Ola has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Educational Sciences and a Master's Degree in Human Resources Development.

Andreea Ola is a mother of two children, which inspired her lactation journey. She is also active on several social media channels, delivering free education materials to a community of over 60K users.

CE Library Presentation(s) Available Online:
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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
Clinical Case Studies: Transitioning From Failure to Thrive to Flourishing in Breastfed Infants
What happens when exclusively breastfed babies don’t reach the milestones associated with optimal growth? This presentation highlights clinical case studies of slow weight gain and growth faltering (failure to thrive) in exclusively breastfed babies, the diverse causes associated with impaired growth and the clinical management of the cases. The presentation will help lactation consultants differentiate between optimal weight gain, slow weight gain, and growth faltering (failure to thrive) in breastfed babies. An evidence-based overview of the causes of growth faltering is presented, as are optimal growth standards, red flags related to growth patterns, interventions that support the breastfeeding dyad and communication strategies within the medical team. Lactation consultants will learn: how to identify growth-related problems based on the use of the WHO growth standard; when and how to refer to medical care; how to assist with supplementation when medically indicated; and how to support the dyad’s breastfeeding goals.
Lectures by Profession, Product Focus
Presentations: 29  |  Hours / CE Credits: 30.5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
Perinatal Depression and the Breastfeeding Dyad: Exploring Your Role and Responsibilities
Perinatal depression is the most common obstetrical complication, with 1 in 7 women experiencing depression during pregnancy or postpartum. A vast array of negative outcomes are associated with untreated perinatal depression, including breastfeeding difficulties and premature weaning. In this talk, an evidence-based overview of the symptoms, outcomes, and breastfeeding challenges posed by perinatal depression is offered. The key role of the lactation consultant in screening, referring, and supporting the family confronted with perinatal depression is highlighted so that lactation professionals can incorporate into their clinical practice a model of care based on the individual needs of their clients. From this presentation, lactation consultants can learn about the characteristics of perinatal depression, the instruments they can use for screening, the main challenges specifically associated with breastfeeding, and how they can refer to and act accordingly to their scope of practice when offering support to breastfeeding families (e.g., management of breastfeeding complications, providing evidence-based information regarding the use of antidepressants during breastfeeding, client-centered communication, and follow-up).
Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks