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GOLD Learning Speakers


Amrita Desai, MSc, LCCE, IBCLC

  • Speaker Type: GOLD Lactation 2024
  • Country: India

Boasting a 15-year tenure as a Practicing Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Amrita has dedicated her career to advancing expertise in various realms. Her specific passions include Golden Hour Feeding, Kangaroo Care, Breastfeeding Multiples, as well as Initiating, Maintaining, and Establishing Milk supply in mothers of Preterm Babies. She also excels in guiding breastfeeding journeys in unique scenarios such as Surrogacy with induced Lactation, and handling special situations like Preterm, LBW, Surgical Cases, Syndromes, Cleft Palates, and more.

Noteworthy as a faculty member for both the Indian Academy of Pediatrics and the National Neonatology Forum, Amrita has been an integral part of numerous breastfeeding and nutrition workshops. Her extensive training in Human Milk Banking under the guidance of Dr. Ben Hartmann at PREM Bank, King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth, WA, has been pivotal. She played a key role in establishing the first Preterm Human Milk Bank named 'Yashoda' at Sahyadri Specialty Hospital, Shastrinagar, Pune. This initiative was modeled after the successful PREM Bank in WA, showcasing Amrita's commitment to advancing lactation care and support.

CE Library Presentation(s) Available Online:
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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
Applying Lactation Theory to Real-World Cases of Complex Lactation Issues
This presentation will deal with bridging the gap found between theory explained in books and actual scenarios in reality with mother-baby dyads where lactation care providers play an important role in helping parents meet their breastfeeding goals. Case scenarios will be presented, including the following: preterm babies and the potential for their mothers to be milk donors; inducing lactation in a biological mother with a poor obstetric history who has chosen to birth through surrogacy and is keen to exclusively breastfeed; antenatal colostrum harvesting in mothers who are receiving obstetric care in advance of an expected preterm birth, leading to exclusive breast milk feeding throughout the length of NICU stay and early transition to oral and breastfeeds; maintaining mother's milk supply in a special needs situation of a term infant with a bilateral enclosed cleft palate till introduction of solids and cleft palate repair at the age of 1 year; and pasteurization of mother's own milk due to growth of Ecoli and Kleibsiella organisms and usage for enteral feeding in preterm twins.
Lectures by Profession, Product Focus
Presentations: 29  |  Hours / CE Credits: 30.5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks