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GOLD Learning Speakers


Genny Stiller, RN, NP, IBCLC, C-NLS

  • Speaker Type: Breastfeeding & Perinatal Mental Health: Practical Tools for Fostering Emotional Safety Lecture Pack 2024
  • Country: Japan

Genny’s fascination with lactation support started after the birth of her second child in 2012 and quickly became an area of special interest.
Her work is informed by her extensive professional experience as a Board Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and Certified Neurodiverse Lactation Specialist.
Additionally, her personal experiences have provided invaluable insights. By reflecting on her own lactation journey as a neurodivergent person and parenting neurodivergent children, she has developed a passion for creating lactation support that is positive and affirming, and that centers the neurodivergent parent.

CE Library Presentation(s) Available Online:
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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
Nurturing Neurodivergent Families: Sensory Conscious Lactation Spaces and Mental Health
There are 1.8 billion neurodivergent people within reproductive age potentially birthing or nursing. It's likely that each of us has provided lactation support to someone who is neurodivergent. However, we may not have considered how lactation intersects with the neurodivergent experience, sensory sensitivities, and mental health. This presentation will provide context around the neurodivergent lactation experience, mental health, and the use of sensory safe spaces as a supportive tool. We will explore and design a sensory-safe lactation space in the office, hospital, and home environment as an adjunct tool for clinicians supporting neurodivergent parents.
Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks