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GOLD Learning Speakers


Nadine Griffiths, RN, MNClinEd, GradCertPaeds

  • Speaker Type: Protect and Nurture: Developmental Care for Neonatal Neuroprotection in the NICU Lecture Pack 2024
  • Country: Australia

Nadine is a Neonatal Clinical Nurse Consultant based in Australia. She has over 20 years experience working in the neonatal and pediatric critical care setting in Australia and the United Kingdom, practicing in education roles since 2007. She has received a number of awards recognizing her contribution to neonatal nursing including 2015 NSW Nursing and Midwifery Award Innovation in Education Award, Michelle Beets contribution to pediatric nursing Memorial Award 2019, and a hospital consumer appreciation award in 2020.

In 2017 she was endorsed as the first Australian NIDCAP Trainer. she established and was the inaugural chair of the Neurodevelopmental Special Interest Group for the Australian College of Neonatal Nursing. Nadine has authored several journal publications and two textbook chapters focused on developmental Care. She is the coordinator of multiple neurodevelopmental care education programs (FINE and NIDCAP) for Australia and is also a PhD candidate.

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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
Linking Neurodevelopmental Care Evidence to Bedside Clinical Practice
Since the early 1980’s the use of developmentally-supportive caregiving techniques have been promoted and researched. These interventions have been described as supportive, with a potential buffering effect against the stressors of the neonatal intensive care environment. Exposure to the hospital environment, noise, pain, and disrupted parenting are suggested as impacting long-term neurodevelopment meaning that addressing these components is central to infant and family centered developmental care (IFCDC) application. In this session we will examine the current evidence to support IFCDC and identify components that can be implemented into each clinicians toolkit to make the practical application of developmental care easier for infants, parents and clinicians.