
  • Affordable Educational Credits
  • Watch At Your Convenience
  • Worldwide Speakers
  • Captivating Topics
  • Peer Interactions

Product Focus

$110.00 USD
Midwifery Bridge CEUs

Advancing the Art of Breech Birth Lecture Pack

The climate of vaginal breech birth is changing as more families push to have it available as an option. There has been a lot of recent research that challenges some standard practices making it cruci...
Using Research to Optimise Safety and Availability of Vaginal Breech Birth
Breech Birth Video Analysis
Maneuvers for Abnormal Breech Birth: A Review
Anke Reitter, MD, PhD, FRCOG
Upright Breech Birth - Tricks of the Trade
Avoiding Another Friedman Curve: Are We Ready to Relax Timing Limitations in Vaginal Breech?
The Optibreech Trial Feasibility Study: The Role of Breech Specialist Midwives
Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 4 Weeks  |   Added: 09/06/2022
Midwifery CEU: 0.6
$170.00 USD

Midwifery / Childbirth Continuing Education Course Bundle #8 (16.5 Hours)

This is a series of lectures originally presented at our 2022 GOLD Midwifery Online Conference. It is suitable for all skill levels and is a perfect fit for Midwives, Doulas, Childbirth Educators, I...
Bonnie Gruenberg, CNM, MSN, CRNP
How Do You Respond to the Unusual? Case Studies of Uncommon Events in Birth
Parijat Deshpande, CCTS-I, CTP
Birth Trauma: A Somatic Approach to Prevention
Dusty Chipura, AACC, MCAC
ADHD & Pregnancy: What Midwives Need to Know
Dr. Kathryn Gutteridge, RN & Midwife, Psychotherapist MSC & D.Sc
Family Centred Midwifery Care in Practice
Defensive Charting for Community-Based Midwives
Fiona Hallinan, RN, RM, MCHN
Soft Tissues of the Pelvis and Their Impact on Birth
Exploring Bias and Racism in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care in Remote Canada: A Collection of Stories
Maya Bolman, RN, BA, BSN, IBCLC
Our Hands as Tools to Resolve Acute Breast Pain in the Early Postpartum Period
Obstetric Violence and How Birth Professionals Can Help to Prevent, Identify, and Address It
Angel Montfort, PsyD, PMH-C
Perinatal Anxiety: Options for Screening, Treatment, and Support
Priyanka Idicula, CPM, FACCE, LCCE,
Midwifery Care of Adolescent Pregnancies: Lessons From India
Barbara Harper, RN, Midwife, CCCE, CBHT
Breech Waterbirth: Perspectives and Controversy
Debby Gould, BNursing, GraDipMidwif.
Exploring Paradigms Around Consent and Birth Trauma
Isabella Garti, PhD, MN, BSc, RM
Improving the Outcomes for Women Who Develop Preeclampsia: What Can the Midwife Do?
Putting Mental Health Care Into Practice
Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PhD, IBCLC, FAPA
Burnout, Secondary Trauma, and Moral Injury in Perinatal Care Providers
Presentations: 16  |  Hours / CE Credits: 16.5 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 06/09/2022
CERP: 14.5
R-CERP: 13.5
Midwifery CEU: 1.6
$50.00 USD
Midwifery, Lactation, CERP Focused Packages

GOLD Learning Day: Got Breastmilk? Skills & Tools for Improving Low Milk Production

Knowing how to support adequate milk production is crucial for any professionals working with breast/chestfeeding families. Our expert speakers Barbara Robertson, Tameka Jackson-Dyer and Luke Grzeskow...
Tameka L. Jackson-Dyer, BASc, IBCLC, CHW, CLC, CLE, CLS
Counseling and Anticipatory Guidance to Reduce Perceived Insufficient Milk Production
Luke Grzeskowiak, PhD, BPharm(Hons), GCertClinEpid, AdvPracPharm, FSHP
An Evidence-Based Guide to Using Domperidone as a Galactagogue
Barbara Robertson, MA, IBCLC, LLL
Clinical Assessment and Management of Low Milk Production
Presentations: 3  |  Hours / CE Credits: 3 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 6 Weeks  |   Added: 02/06/2022
Dietetics CEU: 3
Midwifery CEU: 0.3
$18.00 USD

Urban Design Solutions to Support Breastfeeding in Public

If we truly want to protect, promote and support breastfeeding, there needs to be engagement and education across all areas of society, rather than just healthcare. All of the different people across ...
Lisa Amir, MBBS, MMed, PhD, IBCLC
Urban Design Solutions to Support Breastfeeding in Public
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 30/05/2022
$170.00 USD
Lactation, GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Translated Lectures, 10+ CERPs Bundles

GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2022

The GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2022 offers an exciting look at the latest research, perspectives and best practice when working with infants with oral restrictions and their families...
Impact of Tethered Oral Tissues on the Fascial System
Tongue-tie Assessment Using the Lingual Frenulum Protocol for Infants
Camila Palma, DDS, MSc (Master in Pediatric Dentistry) & IBCLC
Ankyloglossia Differential Diagnosis: Tongue-Tie, Retrognathia or Hypotonia?
Frenectomy: The Importance of Anticipatory Guidance and Post Procedure Support
Christine Staricka, BS, IBCLC, RLC, CLSP, CE, FILCA
Tongue-Tied and Troubled: A Breastfeeding Journey at Risk
Sarah Oakley, RN SCPHN (Health Visitor) IBCLC
COVID-19 and Implications for Tongue-Tie Division in Infants
Michelle Emanuel, OTR/L, IBCLC, CST, NBCR
Compensatory vs Novel Movements: 3 Keys for Babies With Tongue, Lip and Buccal Restrictions
Case Studies of Missed Tongue Ties and Subsequent Consequences
Beyond Breastfeeding: The Long Term Implications of Tongue-Tie in Our Adult Patients
Research Findings on the Short Lingual Frenulum and Reflux
Presentations: 10  |  Hours / CE Credits: 10 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 16/05/2022
CERP: 10
CME: 10
Dietetics CEU: 10
$95.00 USD
Lactation, GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Translated Lectures

GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2022 - Day 1 Fundamental Skills

Welcome to the Day 1 Lecture Pack of the GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2022 for topics on Fundamental Skills! 5 expert speakers present a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of pr...
Impact of Tethered Oral Tissues on the Fascial System
Camila Palma, DDS, MSc (Master in Pediatric Dentistry) & IBCLC
Ankyloglossia Differential Diagnosis: Tongue-Tie, Retrognathia or Hypotonia?
Frenectomy: The Importance of Anticipatory Guidance and Post Procedure Support
Christine Staricka, BS, IBCLC, RLC, CLSP, CE, FILCA
Tongue-Tied and Troubled: A Breastfeeding Journey at Risk
Tongue-tie Assessment Using the Lingual Frenulum Protocol for Infants
Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 16/05/2022
CME: 5
Dietetics CEU: 5
$95.00 USD
Lactation, GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Translated Lectures

GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2022 - Day 2 Advancing Our Understanding

Welcome to Day 2 Lecture Pack of the GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2022 for topics on Advancing Our Understanding! 5 expert speakers present a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals ...
Sarah Oakley, RN SCPHN (Health Visitor) IBCLC
COVID-19 and Implications for Tongue-Tie Division in Infants
Michelle Emanuel, OTR/L, IBCLC, CST, NBCR
Compensatory vs Novel Movements: 3 Keys for Babies With Tongue, Lip and Buccal Restrictions
Case Studies of Missed Tongue Ties and Subsequent Consequences
Beyond Breastfeeding: The Long Term Implications of Tongue-Tie in Our Adult Patients
Research Findings on the Short Lingual Frenulum and Reflux
Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 16/05/2022
CME: 5
Dietetics CEU: 5
$18.00 USD

Common Infant Digestive Health Concerns and Useful Support Strategies

This session will focus on common concerns regarding infant digestive health and useful support strategies that care providers can incorporate into their work with families. We will discuss what's nor...
Melissa Cole, MS, IBCLC
Common Infant Digestive Health Concerns and Useful Support Strategies
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 08/02/2022
Dietetics CEU: 1
$18.00 USD

Antenatal Breastmilk Expression: Setting Families Up For Success

Antenatal breastmilk expression may be suggested to mothers, including mothers with diabetes and obesity to improve breastfeeding and maternal and infant outcomes postpartum. It can be a tool for use ...
Antenatal Breastmilk Expression: Setting Families Up For Success
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 08/02/2022
Nurse Contact Hour(s): 1
$18.00 USD

Secondary Traumatic Stress in Midwives

On International Day of the Midwife 2022, GOLD Learning invites you to a special presentation with Midwife Jenny Patterson. With her presentation titled "Secondary Traumatic Stress in Midwives", Jenn...
Jenny Patterson, PhD, RM, BM, BSc. hons
Secondary Traumatic Stress in Midwives
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 23/12/2021
Midwifery CEU: 0.1
$18.00 USD

Breastfeeding with Insufficient Glandular Tissue

Breastfeeding is the normative way to feed babies all over the world. We have access to a large amount of scientific evidence that supports it. Advocates of breastfeeding such as health care professio...
Breastfeeding with Insufficient Glandular Tissue
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 16/12/2021
$75.00 USD

The Anatomy of Breastfeeding Lecture Pack

Do you recognize physical barriers to a baby’s ability to breastfeed but are not able to understand or identify the problem? The course is designed to help you to identify cranial, spinal, muscular ...
Dr. Lynn Gerner, D.C., FICPA
Introductions and Establishing the Value of Integration
Dr. Lynn Gerner, D.C., FICPA
Nitty Gritty Anatomy: The Cranium, Supporting Structure and the Muscle Layer
Dr. Lynn Gerner, D.C., FICPA
Cranial Nerves, the Dural System and Neurology
Dr. Lynn Gerner, D.C., FICPA
Tying It All Together- Consequences of Pathology and Ideal Collaboration
Presentations: 4  |  Hours / CE Credits: 4 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 4 Weeks  |   Added: 10/12/2021
$100.00 USD

Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness Lecture Pack

Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness Lecture Package is a complete online training course developed for birth professionals who would like to learn how to safely and effectively apply essential oils d...
Module 1: Fundamentals
Module 2: Applications and Dosing
Module 3: Safety in Maternity
Module 4: Use in Pregnancy
Module 5: Use in Labor
Module 6: Use in Postpartum
Module 7: Use in Infant Care
Module 8: Materia Aromatica
Module 9: Putting Aromatherapy into Practice
Presentations: 9  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 4 Weeks  |   Added: 15/12/2021
Midwifery CEU: 0.6
$50.00 USD
Lactation, CERP Focused Packages

GOLD Learning Day: Pain Assessment & Management During Lactation

Pain is one of the most common reasons for early weaning, meaning it's crucial for care providers to be up to date on how to assess and manage breast/chestfeeding related pain. This GOLD Learning Day ...
Biomechanical Techniques for Preventing and Treating Engorgement
Denise McGuinness, RGN, RM, IBCLC, MSc, FFNMRCSI
The Latest on Breastfeeding and Candida
Alison K. Hazelbaker, PhD, IBCLC, FILCA, CST, RCST, PPNE
An Introduction to Structural Causes of Deep Breast Pain and Milk Stasis: Subluxations and Myofascial Trigger Points
Presentations: 3  |  Hours / CE Credits: 3 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 4 Weeks  |   Added: 22/09/2021
$110.00 USD
GOLD Learning Symposium Series, CERP Focused Packages

GOLD Learning Latest in Lactation Online Symposium

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the field of human lactation had undergone significant changes since its early beginnings in the 1970’s. The pandemic has brought about even more change that will ...
The Art of Virtual Assessment for Oral Dysfunction
Helen Gray, MPhil IBCLC
Lactation Consultants in Today's World: A Global Perspective
TaNefer L. Camara, MS-HCA, IBCLC
Meet Them Where They Are: Applying a Multidisciplinary, Equitable and Sustainable Approach to Breastfeeding and Lactation Practice & Promotion
Allison Walsh, IBCLC, LCCE, FACCE, LLLL, Postpartum Doula
Nurturing the Future of Lactation Care: It’s up to All of Us!
Karen Laing, IBCLC AMT
Centered in Healing: Embodying Healing Informed Care
Katrien Nauwelaerts, IBCLC, BA, MA
Babies Cry to Communicate, Not to Manipulate... Non-Medical Reasons for Crying: An Anthropological Approach
Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 21/07/2021
Dietetics CEU: 6
$110.00 USD
GOLD Learning Symposium Series

Early Years: Connecting the Dots from 0-3

GOLD Learning is excited to introduce the newest member of the GOLD symposium family! GOLD Early Years provides the latest evidence-based continuing education for health care professionals working wit...
Building Strong Children: The Power of Buffering Protection Through Responsive Parenting and Caring Communities
Robyn Gobbel, LMSW-Clinical
A Neuroscience-Based Paradigm Shift for Parenting Kids with Dysregulated Behaviors
Dr. Ruth Oshikanlu, RN RM RSCPHN BSc PGDip PGDip MSc DUniv
Foetal Programming and the Impact of Stress
Trauma-Sensitive Care in the Early Years
Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S
The Neuroscience of Connection: Understanding Regulation for Ourselves and Others
Robin Grille, BA (psych), Grad Dip Counseling, Dip Int Psych.
Inner Child Co-Regulation – How Empathic Dialogue Can Clear Implicit-Memory Blocks to Bonding
Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 14/07/2021
AMS CPD Hours: 6
$18.00 USD
Lactation Ethics (E-CERPs)

The IBCLC As Expert Witness: Role, Strategies, And Resources

In many countries, expert witnesses serve the role of educating triers of fact on issues that are typically outside the experience and knowledge of lay people or professionals who do not have the need...
The IBCLC as Expert Witness: Role, Strategies, and Resources
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 09/07/2021
$18.00 USD

When Evidence and Empathy Aren't Enough: Changing Your Lactation Practice to Boost Client Success

There are many factors that impact a family's breastfeeding/chestfeeding journey, and it is important that families view us as collaborators, not lecturers, throughout this time. Learn how to support ...
Johanna Sargeant, BA, BEd, IBCLC
When Evidence and Empathy Aren't Enough: Changing Your Lactation Practice to Boost Client Success
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 29/06/2021