
  • Affordable Educational Credits
  • Watch At Your Convenience
  • Worldwide Speakers
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Product Focus

$110.00 USD
GOLD Learning Symposium Series

GOLD Learning Early Years Online Symposium 2023

The GOLD Learning Early Years Online Symposium 2023 provides the latest evidence-based continuing education for health care professionals working with families with children aged 0-3 years. As resear...
Early Experiences and Emotional Brain Development
Anna Reyner, MA, ATR, LMFT
Trauma-Informed Art Activities for Early Childhood: Using Process Art to Repair Trauma and Help Children Thrive
What a Turtle can Teach: The Importance of Animals in Children’s Lives
Liz Jones-Twomey, B.A., B.Ed.
Rhythmic Movements: A Second Chance to Integrate Primitive Reflexes
Carlota López-Peredo, Bachelor in Biochemistry & Special Needs Teacher
Movement: The Brain's Power Boost for Learning
Strategies for Helping Families to Weather Life's Storms Together
Mim Ochsenbein, MSW, OTR/L
Sensory Systems and the Implications for Early Childhood Development
Nikki Riemann, BHlthSc, LLB, GDLP, BTeach(Sec), RMT Consultant
Back to Birth: The Power of Primitive Reflexes to Rebuild Brain Foundations
Ben Kingston-Hughes, MA, BA(Hons), ALAM (Hons)
Playful Brains - The Neuroscience of Play
Presentations: 9  |  Hours / CE Credits: 9 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 20/04/2023
AMS CPD Hours: 9
Nurse Contact Hour(s): 9
ACM CPD Hours: 9
CME: 9
Midwifery CEU: 0.9
$150.00 USD
GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Midwifery Bridge CEUs

GOLD Learning Labour & Delivery Online Symposium 2023

The GOLD Learning Labour & Delivery Online Symposium provides the latest evidence-based continuing education for health care professionals working with birthing families. Research tells us that health...
Jenny Blyth, Independent Birth Educator & Bodyworker
Hand Jiggling the Pelvis in Birth: Creating Space & Improving Labour Progress
Archetypes of Power: Navigating Dynamics of the Labor Room
Maggie Runyon, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM
Not Handmaiden or Hero: The Impact of Nursing Identity on Nurse-Patient Relationship and Care
Karen H. Strange, CPM, AAP/NRP Instructor, CKC
The Remarkable Transition From Liquid to Air at Birth: The Implications for Neonatal Resuscitation
Sharpening Your Knowledge of Fetal Heart Monitoring Concepts
Mandy Irby, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, LCCE
Stirrups Are Restraints: 5 Simple Steps to Overcome Barriers to Upright Pushing
Only Now, Just This - Practicing Mindfulness in Labor and Delivery
Identification and Management of Fear of Childbirth
Presentations: 8  |  Hours / CE Credits: 8 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 20/04/2023
Nurse Contact Hour(s): 8
CME: 8
Midwifery CEU: 0.8
ACM CPD Hours: 8
$170.00 USD

GOLD Midwifery Conference 2023

This is a series of lectures originally presented at our 2023 GOLD Midwifery Online Conference. It is suitable for all skill levels and is a perfect fit for Midwives, Doulas, Childbirth Educators, I...
Turn the Microscope on Birth: The Microbiome and Midwifery
Loredana Zordan, RM, Acupunturist
Acupressure For Pregnancy and Birth
Bernadette Lack, RM (Hons), MPH
The Midwife's Role in Core and Pelvic Floor Health During the Perinatal Period
Caring for Clients With Disabilities in the Perinatal Period
Tanya Khemet Taiwo, PhD, MPH, CPM
Prenatal Environmental Exposures: What Midwives Need to Know
Andrew Dorough, DC, CACCP
Collaboration of Care Providers: Utilizing the “Webster Technique”
Rebecca Feldman, CNM, PMHNP-BC
Decision Making and Psychiatric Medications in Pregnancy and Lactation
Catharine Hart, Bsc (Hons), B Med Sci, Bsc Midwifery
The Neurophysiology of Physiological Birth
Ray Rachlin, LM, CPM
Midwifery-Led Fertility Care: A Family Centered Approach
Childbirth-Choice Facilitation for a Positive Birth Experience
Respectful Pelvic Exams From a Trauma-Informed Lens
Returning to Sex Postpartum: Expectation, Preparation, Treatments for Pain and Dysfunction
Patricia Díaz Lorenzo, MD, Pediatrician, IBCLC, Doula
Slow Weight Gain in the Early Days of Breastfeeding
Elizabeth Davis, CPM, BA Holistic Maternity Care
Shoulder Dystocia: Prediction, Prevention, and Appropriate Response
Tips, Tricks & Things to Think About When Labour is Prolonged
Presentations: 15  |  Hours / CE Credits: 15.5 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 24/04/2023
CERP: 15.5
ACNM: 15.5
ACM CPD Hours: 15.5
R-CERP: 13.5
Midwifery CEU: 1.5
$18.00 USD

Breastfeeding in the Light of Islamic Law

Breastfeeding is one of the matters that Islamic Sharia has given great importance. This is due to its importance and the fact that it replaces lineage in several matters, and the provisions of breast...
Fayrouz Essawy, MD, IBCLC
Amal El Taweel, MD, PHD, IBCLC, FABM
Breastfeeding in the Light of Islamic Law
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 25/04/2023
Midwifery CEU: 0.1
ACM CPD Hours: 1
$18.00 USD

Lactation and Employment: How to Make Breastfeeding WORK

For the 2023 World Breastfeeding Week, GOLD is excited to embrace the theme of "Enabling Breastfeeding: Making a difference for working parents". There are many factors that play a role in the discon...
Robin Kaplan, M.Ed, IBCLC, FNC
Lactation and Employment: How to Make Breastfeeding WORK
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 02/05/2023
$50.00 USD

Focus on Perinatal Mental Health

Join us for a series of insightful presentations that delve into important mental health topics affecting both patients and healthcare professionals. This package includes three presentations that wil...
Awakening the Parent: Are You Supporting or Sabotaging Your Client’s Transformation?
Paternal Perinatal Mental Health: Yes, It's a Thing, and What to Do About It
Sayida Peprah, PsyD, Doula
Understanding Maternal Suicide and Supporting Individuals at Risk
Presentations: 3  |  Hours / CE Credits: 3.25 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 4 Weeks  |   Added: 02/05/2023
CERP: 3.25
R-CERP: 3.25
$50.00 USD

Focus on Lactation and Mental Health

Chestfeeding can be a beautiful and rewarding experience for families, but it can also be challenging, especially for those who have experienced loss or are dealing with mental health issues. Our lact...
Katherine Carroll, PhD, BPhysiotherapy, BA (Hons)
Providing Enhanced Lactation Care for Families Following Late Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Neonatal and Infant Death
Marie Zahorick, MS, APRN, FNP-C, IBCLC
Medications and Mothers' Minds: Psychopharmacology for Lactating Mothers
Kimberly Bepler, IBCLC, CPD, CLE, CNPE
The Crying Curve and the Impact on Postpartum and Breastfeeding
Presentations: 3  |  Hours / CE Credits: 3 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 4 Weeks  |   Added: 02/05/2023
$50.00 USD
Lactation, CERP Focused Packages

GOLD Learning Day: Advancing Lactation Skills Through Clinical Case Studies

Clinical case studies are an important way to develop critical thinking and advance clinical skills. We are excited to bring together our three experts Shonte' Terhune-Smith, Anna Le Grange and Allyso...
Allyson Wessells, PT, MPT, IBCLC
Breastfeeding as Movement: Case Studies on Posture, Movement and Reflexive Function in Complex Feeding Challenges
Bridging the Gap: Case Studies in Community Based Lactation Care
Anna Le Grange, BSc, RN, IBCLC
Being Mindful: Case Studies of Mindfulness Tools in Clinical Lactation Practice
Presentations: 3  |  Hours / CE Credits: 3 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 6 Weeks  |   Added: 04/05/2023
Nurse Contact Hour(s): 3
CME: 3
Dietetics CEU: 3
Midwifery CEU: 0.3
$18.00 USD
Midwifery, Midwifery Bridge CEUs

Antenatal Fetal Surveillance Made Easy

Attendees will come to understand the underlying physiology behind antenatal surveillance methods, including non-stress testing, biophysical profiling, amniotic fluid assessment, and fetal Doppler v...
Antenatal Fetal Surveillance Made Easy
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 10/05/2023
Midwifery CEU: 0.1
$18.00 USD

The Art of Virtual Assessment for Oral Dysfunction

This presentation will cover skills & strategies of conducting assessments of oral dysfunction in a telehealth setting, a situation many Lactation providers were thrusted into due to Covid-19. Through...
The Art of Virtual Assessment for Oral Dysfunction
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 29/05/2023
Dietetics CEU: 1
$18.00 USD
Lactation Ethics (E-CERPs)

Lactation Consultants in Today's World: A Global Perspective

The profession of lactation consultant has grown around the world and has evolved enormously since its inception in 1985. At first, the development of the profession provided skilled breastfeeding cou...
Helen Gray, MPhil IBCLC
Lactation Consultants in Today's World: A Global Perspective
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 31/05/2023
Dietetics CEU: 1
$18.00 USD
Midwifery, Midwifery Bridge CEUs

ADHD & Pregnancy: What Midwives Need to Know

ADHD impacts 1/30 females, and stimulants are among the most commonly prescribed medications during pregnancy, with an estimated 1% exposure prevalence. Research on ADHD and pregnancy is emerging and ...
Dusty Chipura, AACC, MCAC
ADHD & Pregnancy: What Midwives Need to Know
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 05/06/2023
Midwifery CEU: 0.1
$18.00 USD
Midwifery, Midwifery Bridge CEUs

Breech Waterbirth: Perspectives and Controversy

A steady decline in the rate of vaginal term breech birth over the past three decades has led to a resurgence of vaginal breech birth in many parts of the world. The dedication of researchers, teacher...
Barbara Harper, RN, Midwife, CCCE, CBHT
Breech Waterbirth: Perspectives and Controversy
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1.25 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 05/06/2023
CERP: 1.25
R-CERP: 1.25
Midwifery CEU: 0.1
$18.00 USD
Midwifery, Midwifery Bridge CEUs

How Do You Respond to the Unusual? Case Studies of Uncommon Events in Birth

A seasoned midwife sometimes encounters unusual situations in clinical practice. In these unique case studies, we will consider the challenges of paravaginal birth, uterus didelphys, cervical myoma,...
Bonnie Gruenberg, CNM, MSN, CRNP
How Do You Respond to the Unusual? Case Studies of Uncommon Events in Birth
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 05/06/2023
Midwifery CEU: 0.1
$18.00 USD
Midwifery, Midwifery Bridge CEUs

Improving the Outcomes for Women Who Develop Preeclampsia: What Can The Midwife Do?

Pre-eclampsia, a complex hypertensive disorder of pregnancy is the second leading cause of global maternal mortality affecting about 8% of pregnancies. Although there are more positive outcomes for wo...
Isabella Garti, PhD, MN, BSc, RM
Improving the Outcomes for Women Who Develop Preeclampsia: What Can the Midwife Do?
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 05/06/2023
Midwifery CEU: 0.1
$18.00 USD
Midwifery, Midwifery Bridge CEUs

Our Hands as Tools to Resolve Acute Breast Pain in the Early Postpartum Period

Breast pain is a major cause of weaning. Milk stasis, which occurs in engorgement, mastitis and plugged ducts, is a common cause of pain that may lead to the temporary or permanent cessation of breast...
Maya Bolman, RN, BA, BSN, IBCLC
Our Hands as Tools to Resolve Acute Breast Pain in the Early Postpartum Period
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 05/06/2023
Midwifery CEU: 0.1
$18.00 USD
Midwifery, Midwifery Bridge CEUs

Perinatal Anxiety: Options for Screening, Treatment, and Support

Perinatal Anxiety is included under the umbrella of Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders which are experienced by approximately 1 in 5 mothers. This particular type of anxiety is characterized by intens...
Angel Montfort, PsyD, PMH-C
Perinatal Anxiety: Options for Screening, Treatment, and Support
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 05/06/2023
Midwifery CEU: 0.1
$18.00 USD
Midwifery, Midwifery Bridge CEUs

Shoulder Dystocia: Prediction, Prevention, and Appropriate Response

Shoulder dystocia is considered one of the most dangerous complications of birth, as corroborated by the high number of malpractice claims resulting from it. Despite this, experts cannot agree on what...
Elizabeth Davis, CPM, BA Holistic Maternity Care
Shoulder Dystocia: Prediction, Prevention, and Appropriate Response
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1.25 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 05/06/2023
CERP: 1.25
R-CERP: 1.25
ACM CPD Hours: 1.25
ACNM: 1.25
Midwifery CEU: 0.1